JapShow JapShow


These times are for guidance only and may vary with track, weather or racing conditions, the organiser deems the right to alter these times without further notifications.

When What Where
0800 Gates Open Site
0800 Show & Shine Opens Show Paddock
0830 Merchandise Outlets Open Pod Shop
0930 Drag Karts Track
0930 Drift Rides Begin Drift Arena
0930 Live Stage Opens Live Stage
0945 Track opens for RWYB Track
1015 Bloxed Beats Live Stage
1040 Drag Karts Track
1055 FireForce 5 Jet Dragster Track
1100 Fuelers Bar Opens Fuelers Bar
1115 Grizzle Squad FMX Live Action Arena
1135 Terry Grant Live Action Arena
1145 Bloxed Beats Live Stage
1200 Show & Shine Judging Begins Show Paddock
1215 Handling Track Opens Live Action Arena
1300 Lunch Break on Track Track
1315 Handling Track Finishes Live Action Arena
1315 Bloxed Beats Live Stage
1330 Drag Karts Track
1330 Grizzle Squad FMX Live Action Arena
1345 RWYB Continues Track
1350 Terry Grant Live Action Arena
1430 Best Club Stand Winner Announced Live Stage
1435 Show & Shine Winners Announced Live Stage
1455 Drag Karts Track
1510 FireForce 5 Jet Dragster Track
1530 Bloxed Beats Live Stage
1600 RWYB Competition Ends Track
1630 Live Stage Closes Live Stage
1630 Drag Karts Track
1700 Drift Rides End Drift Arena
1700 RWYB Ends & Track Closes Track
1700 JapShow Ends! Site
